Friday, November 27, 2009

I've got nothing...

I didn't do much this week, and what I did, I guess wasn't documented on film. Thanksgiving was great though, we had a bunch of friends over and Tina made a kickass spread. Everybody ate in the living room and I madethem watch Rambo and The Jerk. Cody Simon and theresa...
Ladybird could smell the food cooking and was kind of hanging around the kitchen all day. Dorothy was also keeping a close watch.

Here's Baxter, doubled in size.

We went out with Ash and James a while ago, movies and gellati

Friday, November 13, 2009

Google it

If you're bored at work one day and you google image search "jersey douche bags" you'll find this:

and this....

but be careful

Monday, November 9, 2009

New Addition

Our friend Laura was in town this weekend, visiting from Florida. Her and Tina have been friends for years, I met her through Tina, when we first opened our shop in Texas Laura and her husband Chris flew here to help us set the place up, I had never met them before, they're pretty awesome people... This visit was all pleasure and no business. The girls spent Saturday shopping while I worked, Sunday we went to the flea market where I impulsively bought a puppy.
Half Jack Russell half Blue Heeler.

Dog day afternoon

This weekend we took Dorothy to Auditorium Shore dog park in central Austin. I used to take her twice a week, but since we moved it's been hard to find the time. Tina and I decided that we're gonna try to go every Tuesday for at least an hour. This is also a great spot to fish or kayak in the summer. You can see downtown and all the crappy condos that are being built for hipsters.

We hung out for two hours and Dorothy got to run, swim and fetch until she was limping. That's when we decided to go to la reyna for some tacos, the food's great and they're dog friendly with outside seating. I like to come here for breakfast whenever possible. The migas are the reason I ended a lifelong hatred for eggs...