When we first arrived on the island we went to a dive bar for some fried fish, Elvis was there with his casio keyboard singing for the locals.
We booked a small charter boat for an all day fishing trip in the bay, here's the sunrise. I was so tired...
This is our captain, Ruben. He's been fishing here since he was a kid and was really a cool guy. He took us to different places for different kinds of fish. Mostly we were trying for Speckled trout and Redfish, but I was also hoping for Drum and Black tip shark.
Here's a small redfish, too small to keep unfortunately. We also caught about 10 trout and a catfish...
Here's an abandoned boat on a small island in the bay, Ruben said its been there since he was a kid.
On the road there were huge fields of wildflowers everywhere, it was beautiful. Mostly indian paintbrushes and bull nettle. I guess the draught is really over.